In 1976 the origins of TransClean were formed when David R. Krause began a distribution company that would eventually be named Cleaning Systems, Inc. (CSI). The company's primary business was the sale of pressure cleaning equipment and chemicals. The pressure cleaning equipment was used for many different purposes including cleaning large vehicles. Over the years CSI became more focused on vehicle cleaning and the technological development and manufacture of chemicals was emphasized.
In 1996 TransClean was formed as a division of CSI and emphasized the design and technological advancement of automated equipment, cleaning chemicals, and cleaning technologies for washing large vehicles. In an effort to provide a complete, integrated wash program for its customers, it was determined that TransClean would not sell equipment but instead provide a comprehensive service for washing vehicles. TransClean has remained focused on its mission, and to further enhance its ability to do so, TransClean, Inc. began operation as a separate corporation on January 1, 2000. Today, TransClean continues to develop and perfect its vehicle wash programs and is the provider of choice for many entities including Fortune 500 companies.